I am Woman:
I am woman and I have a tail. And a Tale.
I am a Woman, you are safe.
I will protect, love, embrace and softly sooth your soul.
Come to me.
I will build a hearth for you.
A hearth of love and worship.
For worship of yourself,
For you are worthy.
I am woman and I have a tail. And a Tale.
I say you are safe.
I do not hunt nor do I kill.
Come to me faeries and magic and wonders of the night.
I will build for you a place of peace for
I am love.
I am peace.
I am worship.
I am woman and I have a tail. And a Tale.
I will not greet you in the glee of human arrogance
I will not decree you to be “mine.”
I will not mock you or throw rocks at you.
For I am woman And I am me.
And I am so much more like you.
For I do too have a tail within me too.
I am woman and I have a tail. And a Tale.
You have no fear of me.
I am loving you have only grace in me.
Wherever I go, I build peace, I bring peace and
I conform all hatred to peace…. Piece by piece by piece
For I am woman and that is what I do.
I am Woman and I have a Tail. And a Tale.
I will build A hearth of peace for you.
For that you are also worthy.
Be love and worship peace with me.
Poem by Ariel Rose